Gleanings from the Identity Dynamics Institute Model

All Organizations Operate Under the Laws of Identity

As Jay Forrester, MIT professor and founder of the science of System Dynamics, explained: you are operating within a system whether you know it or not. If you don’t understand the system, then you are destined to be a victim of it.


If you understand the system, then you have the potential to optimize it.


The Hidden System Dynamics Model

We’ve spent a number of years creating and refining the model of the living organization. The model is quite complex, but the conclusions are straightforward and immediately useful for every organization.

The model shows that the identity is the force that both organizes and animates every organization. If there is a constraint in the flow of that energy, the entire organization is less effective. In developing our elaborate model of the ideal organization, we made a number of valuable discoveries. We have discovered that there are potentially thirteen gaps where the natural energy that flows through the organization can be constrained or even blocked. And we have have discovered the 6 systems that organize every organization, whether they have already been made visible or not. For the CEO, understanding these 6 systems and how they are optimized by measuring and managing the 13 gaps, becomes the top teams core responsibility.


The model provides a clear new set of management tools: the specific metrics necessary for monitoring the health of the organization and for continuous improvement.

The model reveals the potential gaps between what is ideal and what possible dangers may exist in the current state. All senior management can manage to reduce these gaps, creating a resilient organization that is capable of maximizing its value-creation potential over the very long term.